Well This whole blogging thing has been harder to keep up than I thought! But here is what I've failed to post over the past couple months....

Elder Christian Cade Larson Is officially a missionary and making me so proud in the Mtc. Since he will be learning Spanish he will be there till September, then off to Philly! I've gotten 2 letters from him so far, and I can already tell it's going to be so great for me to have his spiritual letters come once a week! And writing him is so much fun. He has been there 3 weeks and can already say his testimony and prayers in Spanish. What girlfriend am I if I don't brag about him right?! how happy I am for that handsome man, but saying goodbye, was definitely one of the hardest things that I've ever been through so far in my life! These two years better fly by!!

This was the last picture we took, and it was such a perfect last memory. He woke me up early one morning and we watched the sunrise on my roof. The early morning explains the tired faces :)
To keep my mind off Christian being gone, My best friend Kiley Brown Invited me to go with her family to stay in her Grandma's condo in Coronado. It was just the trip I needed. On a little island, the fun things to do were Bike rides all around town. Ice cream at 'moo time', pedi and manicures, trips into sandiego city for shopping, and my favorite, late night talks on the beach every night! Kiley also sent off a missionary so it's our favorite thing to of course talk about them! All in all, the trip was so much fun. Thanks to the Browns for letting me come.