So for the past week and a half I have been on a STRICT, and I mean STRICT diet. I have done really good, and I'm so proud of myself. I've got lots of motivation for the following up coming events: Romans wedding, Homecoming, and my big 18Th birthday! Natalie is my cheerleader, and pushes me beyond control! She doesn't even know it, but if she wasn't cheering me on I would've given up by now! Tonight I wanted to go running with her. Let me tell you a little something about me....I'm not one of those "let's just go on a nice long run!" every step is a struggle. I'm not equipped with good running shoes, and my body feels like an elephant running against wind! So you can imagine my horror when Natalie says "Lets just run really far!" Of course we ran walked ran (She's a trooper for walking with me!) But we went a total of about 6 miles and that is a lot for me! I've ran 7 before when I got a 'runners high' but that was a one time thing! So thank you Nanny Poo! With out you I would be chowing down on Ramen, Reeses Puffs, and any fast food! Ah yummy. Anybody out there trying to eat healthy....if I can do it, I SWEAR you can.