As you can see I have struggled with updating my blog, mainly because lately, I'm struggling to even breath once in a while. What comes first really? Blogging or breathing? I choose blogging. I have decided to take on everything possible my senior year. I currently have 3 jobs, I work at Arizona Rehab Monday through Friday as a filer. After work on Tuesdays and Thursdays I teach my friend Sabrina, dance. Thursday night after dance, I have night school at Mcc. Then Saturday I work at sweet cakes! And I guess you could say I have 3 and a half jobs because I do hair out of my house about once a week. Typically I don't get home every day till about 6 thirty, Tuesday nights 8 thirty and school nights 10. Through all of this I have to keep up with mountain view classes, and Evit! You could say I get a little stressed, but don't get me wrong....I LOVE BEING BUSY! It has been great, I haven't pulled my hair out yet, so I'm thinking this is doing me lots of good. I finally have money to save, money to spend...you name it! I love feeling like I have been productive at the end of every day. What keeps me organized is my handy little 'check list' book. I've had it for about a year and its completely torn up. I would be lost with out it! I make a check list every single night! For the dumbest things, wake up at this time, eat this for breakfast. Then the important things like an appointment at this time, or don't forget this. I even make sure to add, make someones day, or be kind! If you are not a planner, I promise you, your life will feel easier! Go to barns and noble and buy a cute little planner. I even added my dreams, and goals!
As for my life outside the working mode, things are going great! I am loving every second of hair school. We are currently preparing for the upcoming hair show. It is a masquerade, and we chose to make our model a Zebra. I'm really excited because last year I was the model so i didn't get the opportunity to do the hair. This year I am the stylist! I get to do whatever I please. Last week we had crazy hair day and my friend Sabrina chose to make mine wacky! It turned out pretty cool. My sister Rachel is in town for a whole month, my mom and I will take care of her and Myles while she is sick with pregnancy. She is a trooper! Halloween...let down like always. My costume was a disaster because the main part(my fangs) would not stay on my teeth! So instead of being a sexy vampire, I ended up looking like a hooker. Oh well, what can you do! My friends and I decided to go to a 'fun' party....ya not fun at all! I'm bummed I missed out on the Madsen tradition of having a bonfire out front with family and neighbors. Although, I did get to see the pumpkin catch on fire, in flames on the porch. That was exciting, and probably the highlight of my night. Halloween is probably my least favorite holiday. I'm really looking forward to Thanksgiving, and Christmas. Who doesn't love the good food, family, and decorations?! It brings me so much joy! I am so thankful for my health, family, and my cute missionary! Christian is now serving in New Jersey, and loving every second of his mission. He is continuing to make me proud, and freezing his buns off. Boy do I love than man! Life has been real good to me, and I couldn't be happier!