Monday, December 13, 2010
Change is good.
Well My last couple weeks in Utah have been extremely successful! I passed my written and practical cosmetology exams, and now I am licensed! Never thought this day would come. Not going to lie, leaving Provo will be tough! I have been living it up though. Now I'm looking forward to Christmas!! Cant wait to be with all my sisters, making yummy food, movies, shopping, just hanging out! Love my family. TIS THE SEASON!

Thursday, December 2, 2010
Moving home.
So I have to say goodbye to provo this winter....I'm not cut out for it. My plans....Work in scottsdale, save money, and cambodia in the summer! I may return to Provo in the Spring, I'm not quite sure. I love Provo, everything about it, but who in their right mind prefers to live in ice?? Not me! I will miss my amazing roomie more than anything, and especially living on my own! Momma's home cooked meals will be a nice perk though.
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
What are you thankful for?

I've noticed a lot lately that it is easy to focus on the things that we don't have in our lives. We can list them so easily, and moan and groan about them. But what we fail to realize is that it's not about what we don't have,it's those hardships that make us appreciate what we do have. For instance....The blizzard that is going to hit provo tonight, not so fun. How thankful am I to have a warm apartment and blankets to cozy up in. I'm also thankful for:
My family, how close we are, and that we are all healthy.
The gospel, how it has shaped me into who I am today.
Good friends, those I can lean on, and depend on.
My experience in Utah, learning to be on my own.
Temples, baptisms for the dead.
Christian Cade Larson, the huge example he is in my life.
Hair school, that I am able to do something I love as a profession.
The list could obviously go on for days. I hope this post can make whoever is reading realize what they too are thankful for even at times we gloom on trials or things what we don't have! Happy Holidays.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I miss my Niece and Nephews

I'm finally homesick. I miss my momma my pops, I miss my sisters, I miss my friends, Qt, the smell of my house! I miss going to my sister Natalie's house just to hang out. I miss knowing where I am at all times. I miss drive by's past Christian's house. I miss working out at mountain side, diet coke runs with my sister Rachel. But most of all I miss my nephews and adorable niece. I miss dance parties with Myles, Nannying Cash, and catching up on Noah and Lincoln's Life! I miss holding baby Mia any chance I got! I can't wait to visit home in 6 days especially for Thanksgiving, because I'm truly thankful for it all!
Monday, November 15, 2010
Vegas baby!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Birthdays bring good luck!
Monday, September 27, 2010
Mamma Lane
Brekyn's mom surprised her this week end and decided to spoil me as well. I couldn't thank her enough for everything she has done for me and our cute little apartment. She is so fun, and this week end was a BLAST! We went to dinner every night and we also went to park city for the day to do the alpine slide. I hadn't been there in years, it was so fun to go back! Lori got me and Brek to sign up to do a 15 day cleanse. She took us to Costo and whole foods and filled our whole fridge with nothing but veggies and anything green. No sugar for 15 days...meaning NO DIET COKE! Guys this is huge for me. I'm so excited to do this, today was our first day and I feel great. I'm drinking a gallon of water a day..CRAZY! (for me). Brek and I also have our 15 days planned our with work out schedule including the fabulous p90x. I haven't felt so in shape in so long I'm loving these Lane habits i'm picking up. Thursday night I went on a fun group date with my friend Scott, first one since living in Provo and it was not a disappointment. Apparently I have good luck and bowling was a hit for me! Drum roll..... WE HIKED THE Y! Its official were provo residents now that we have hiked the Y. Well I cant walk...Brekyn and I decided to run down the whole way! NO STOPPING and in squatting position....ya I've been feeling that for 4 days now. Were going to hike it every sat until its too cold, gotta take advantage!

Thursday, September 23, 2010
I hope you guys get spoiled the heck out of on your special day. Shay I'm so lucky to have such an awesome sister in la, thanks for being so perfect for the fam, doesn't hurt that you love to shop :) Rachi roo, oh how i love you. Wish i could surprise you with a big route 44 diet coke! go buy one for the both of us. Have such a good birthday sisters. LOVE YOU BOTH!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
"There is eye candy every where I turn...I have a kink in my neck!"
Another great week in Provo, even with a sick day. My two roommates and I had the 24 hour bug so we spent all day in me and Brek's King size bed (we pushed our beds together, thus we call it the king). That was Tuesday, by Wednesday we were still lagging so we didn't do anything too exciting the rest of the week. The week end on the other hand, was great! Friday night was my first real 'night on the town'. We went to a little black and white party in Arlington and It was so fun being surrounded by a bunch of people I don't know. Hence, I met so many new people, which I love. Saturday was also great because we took a trip down to Salt Lake to hit up Gateway and Happy Sumo (OBSESSED). The best sushi, and being on the V.I.P list is a plus, great deals. I'm waiting for something negative in Provo....I'm yet to find anything. This is too good to be true! Miss you fam, Rachie I miss our sonic runs. Natalie I miss sitting in your back yard having our deep conversations about life in 3rd world countries eating ice and veggie fries! LOVE YOU ALL.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Thankful for this amazing experience
week 1 of living in Provo has officially been completed. I just want to first start by thanking my parents for this amazing experience. First, by being examples and parents that have helped me get to the point where i am able to live on my own. It has already been an eye opener of how many responsibilities you have to take on when deciding to be on your own. Just going grocery shopping on my own was different. But how much i do love taking on these little responsibilities. Let me now tell you how much i enjoy living here. My apartment complex, "king Henry" is amazing. We are our own little family, and every day you see friends you've made walking around our area. Our ward is awesome, and ward prayer every Sunday is such a great way to get to know everyone in our complex. My roommates are IDEAL. we are all the same, and never get sick of each other. Our days consist of working out, and cooking dinner together basically every day. The George foreman has become my closest friend, and i am the designated chicken griller. (thanks to my momma I've been taught how to marinate just right). There are so many great people here that i meet every day, and i feel like this has been the best decision of my life! i started hair school Tuesday and it has been great. So nice, and professional and so many fun girls. Basically week 1 of Provo has been a dream. I know there will be many stressful days, and homesick days ahead of me. But as of now i say BRING IT! :) Thanks for all you do for me mom and dad, miss you every day!!
Friday- my roommates and I went on a nice run, (we are training for a half marathon) made dinner, then hung out with some friends in our ward.
Saturday- Brekyn and I went to the gym, did some laundry, hung out by the pool with my cousin chad and his friend Larry, then went shopping for black school clothes. After we met up with my other two roommates and went out to eat at this AMAZING pizza shop called Slab, then hung out with (my roommate) kalie's, cousin and then ended the night off at my cousin Chads house.
GREAT Week end!
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Excited, Graduated...& UTAH!?
The Beach house in ventura. The whole family together on the beach? Anything greater? Probably. But I am excited as ever! only 4 more days until a week of pure bliss.
After 2 years at Evit I am officially done with hair school! I can't describe this feeling, I couldn't possibly tell you how happy I am out of that place!

I move away to the magical land of Provo, UT in a week and a half. Is this for real? I've been waiting for this since 5th grade. I can't explain my excitement. And to move in with my best friend in the world! Serious? This is a dream. I feel so ready for this, minus the packing...that's not important right? Procrastinating this only makes me pack faster right? Thats what i'm hoping for. I am going to miss a lot of baggage back in Az though.
1st and far most: My Mommy and Daddy, duh what kind of person would I be if I didn't miss them like crazy, and everything they do for me! It is crazy how much they have helped me to get to this point, and they still are helping me. BIG TIME. I'm so thankful for them.
2nd and just as important: The Halls. Man do I love them! I have become so close with my sister Natalie, and i'm still amazed at what an example she is to me. And boy oh boy little Cash he is my buddy and I have loved nannying him this summer.
3rd definitely not the worst: The waites and baby Mia. Rachel has been so fun, and so kind to let me raid her closet every day this summer, i will die with out that perk. Don't even get me started on Baby Mia, I'm obsessed with her. I'm probably going to cry every night, that is how attached I am to this precious baby.

The Beach house in ventura. The whole family together on the beach? Anything greater? Probably. But I am excited as ever! only 4 more days until a week of pure bliss.
After 2 years at Evit I am officially done with hair school! I can't describe this feeling, I couldn't possibly tell you how happy I am out of that place!

I move away to the magical land of Provo, UT in a week and a half. Is this for real? I've been waiting for this since 5th grade. I can't explain my excitement. And to move in with my best friend in the world! Serious? This is a dream. I feel so ready for this, minus the packing...that's not important right? Procrastinating this only makes me pack faster right? Thats what i'm hoping for. I am going to miss a lot of baggage back in Az though.
1st and far most: My Mommy and Daddy, duh what kind of person would I be if I didn't miss them like crazy, and everything they do for me! It is crazy how much they have helped me to get to this point, and they still are helping me. BIG TIME. I'm so thankful for them.
2nd and just as important: The Halls. Man do I love them! I have become so close with my sister Natalie, and i'm still amazed at what an example she is to me. And boy oh boy little Cash he is my buddy and I have loved nannying him this summer.
3rd definitely not the worst: The waites and baby Mia. Rachel has been so fun, and so kind to let me raid her closet every day this summer, i will die with out that perk. Don't even get me started on Baby Mia, I'm obsessed with her. I'm probably going to cry every night, that is how attached I am to this precious baby.

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