The Beach house in ventura. The whole family together on the beach? Anything greater? Probably. But I am excited as ever! only 4 more days until a week of pure bliss.
After 2 years at Evit I am officially done with hair school! I can't describe this feeling, I couldn't possibly tell you how happy I am out of that place!

I move away to the magical land of Provo, UT in a week and a half. Is this for real? I've been waiting for this since 5th grade. I can't explain my excitement. And to move in with my best friend in the world! Serious? This is a dream. I feel so ready for this, minus the packing...that's not important right? Procrastinating this only makes me pack faster right? Thats what i'm hoping for. I am going to miss a lot of baggage back in Az though.
1st and far most: My Mommy and Daddy, duh what kind of person would I be if I didn't miss them like crazy, and everything they do for me! It is crazy how much they have helped me to get to this point, and they still are helping me. BIG TIME. I'm so thankful for them.
2nd and just as important: The Halls. Man do I love them! I have become so close with my sister Natalie, and i'm still amazed at what an example she is to me. And boy oh boy little Cash he is my buddy and I have loved nannying him this summer.
3rd definitely not the worst: The waites and baby Mia. Rachel has been so fun, and so kind to let me raid her closet every day this summer, i will die with out that perk. Don't even get me started on Baby Mia, I'm obsessed with her. I'm probably going to cry every night, that is how attached I am to this precious baby.