I've noticed a lot lately that it is easy to focus on the things that we don't have in our lives. We can list them so easily, and moan and groan about them. But what we fail to realize is that it's not about what we don't have,it's those hardships that make us appreciate what we do have. For instance....The blizzard that is going to hit provo tonight, not so fun. How thankful am I to have a warm apartment and blankets to cozy up in. I'm also thankful for:
My family, how close we are, and that we are all healthy.
The gospel, how it has shaped me into who I am today.
Good friends, those I can lean on, and depend on.
My experience in Utah, learning to be on my own.
Temples, baptisms for the dead.
Christian Cade Larson, the huge example he is in my life.
Hair school, that I am able to do something I love as a profession.
The list could obviously go on for days. I hope this post can make whoever is reading realize what they too are thankful for even at times we gloom on trials or things what we don't have! Happy Holidays.