Pennsylvania Philadelphia! Far east, but still safe in the states. I know selfish, that I'm glad he's not too far in a scary country. But after his accident, it's nice knowing there will be good hospitals close. The exciting part is that it's
SPANISH SPEAKING! I wanted him to learn Spanish so bad! Maybe because all my brother in laws speak spanish, and my brother roman too ;) It will get extremely cold, almost below 0. He said he's excited to wear big trench coats haha. The sad part is that when he gets really cold, he breaks out in a bad rash of hives all over...Big bumps that itch really bad. He'll just have to have a lot of faith that they wont be too bad in the winter! I'm so proud of him, and he is so excited to serve the lord. He was glowing last night, and had such a strong spirit about him. He reports
July 15Th!! Crazy how fast time is going to fly. Bring on the Philly cheese steak sandwiches and 'Rocky' steps! He wants to watch all of the Rocky movies and Invincible to get him pumped. This is going to be such a perfect mission for him, I'm just so dang excited for him!

We were both a little least I was.

Chris' friends and family at El Charro. He actually read the wrong section for 5 minuets and as were all waiting with anticipation, we finally realised he wasnt reading the right part!

Some of Christian's friends, Matt Dawson and Austin Patience.

One of Chris' adorable Nieces Annie!
How exciting! He can now join the Madsens since he will speaking spanish.